Presentación VIII Jornadas de Vegetalíssimo
The counselor of Tourism is present at the presentation of the Days VIII of Green Gastronomy Vegetalissimo in the Great Spa Hotel of Bridge Viesgo
The counselor of Tourism is present at the presentation of the Days VIII of Green Gastronomy Vegetalissimo in the Great Spa Hotel of Bridge Viesgo
Iñaki Abio Bedia, Director-Marketing of Commercial Dept Balneario Puente Viesgo Cantabria participated in the Morning program.
Special Dinner and Party in Disco “Bubbles” with Party Dancing, DJ, and dance classes for which anime.
The resort and spa Viesgo Bridge is one of the most complete and modern facilities of its kind in the Cantabrian coast, with its luxury facilities in an environment surrounded by nature.
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