Mountain Secrets

83.00 €

A unique experience of feeling the fusion of a deep exfoliation with a great remineralising and purifying effect through the properties of the Dead Sea salts, and a relaxing aromatic massage with Chamomile, Rosemary and Juniper Oil.

Let yourself be transported to a state of purity, renewal, openness and clarity through a world of sensations.

Alquimia, a brand of high quality natural cosmetics, has created this treatment inspired by the medicinal remedies that Mother Nature offers us to combat the mental, physical and emotional wear and tear of our daily routine.

A unique experience that purifies the body and helps to eliminate toxins.

Duration: 50 min.

Price per person: 70 €.


*The vouchers will be valid subject to availability of the establishment throughout the year 2024.
*It is essential to make a reservation in advance and present the voucher on arrival at the establishment.
*Spa services may be modified/cancelled if there is any medical contraindication.
*You can make your purchase through the website or directly by telephone on 942598061 (ext. nº2) .
*Not all treatments are suitable for minors. Please consult the valid options.


Tarjeta envío a domicilio

12 €
Envío de bono por mensajería al domicilio indicado
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